Ninso is a Japanese word for ‘People’ and our business concept is to sell items cheap so that all can afford to buy without any hesitance. Shop over 10,000 items comprising biscuits, canned drinks, crackers, junk food, household wares, toys, baby clothing, and women’s accessories, among others.
Ninso Premium lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus in ante quis augue placerat lobortis sed a lectus.
#ninso #ninsomalaysia
Over 13,000 items across 90 Ninso branches in Malaysia

Valu$ Store
What you can find?
You can find low prices on a variety of local products and also high-quality products such as chocolate and candies, biscuits and cookies, chips and crackers, cereals and condiments, dental care, drinks, razors, and shaving products, lotions, powders, beauty, and skincare products, shampoos and conditioners, household products, cleaning supplies, and so much more!
Best cheap buys with highly competitive and inexpensive prices.
You can find low prices on a variety of local products and also high-quality products .